Do you wake up, immediately scroll, drink a giant coffee, and feel completely frazzled? Are you breaking out and asking how do I cure acne caused by stress?
I used to start my day setting myself up for a complete cortisol flood, engaging in unhealthy practices like immediately reaching for a screen and over caffeinating. I highlighted my morning routine on this week’s instastories, many of you loves asked for all of info in a blog post, voila, here it is. In this post I’m going over all of the morning rituals I practice to reduce my cortisol spike, keeping my skin and mind clear.
6:00AM: Wake up (usually a few minutes before my living room alarm) This takes practice but the longer you follow a sleep schedule the easier this will become.
6:05AM: Brush teeth and tongue scrape, removing toxins from the body CLICK TO BUY
6:10AM: 1 min face wash face with January Labs Pure and Gentle Cleansing Gel, It’s light wax free formulation is perfect my acne prone skin. CLICK TO BUY
Tone my skin with January labs Daily Brightening Tonic, to balance the PH of my skin, preventing excess oil CLICK TO BUY
Moisturize my skin with January Labs Moisture Balancing Lotion, to keep my skin glowy and youthful looking without clogging pores. CLICK TO BUY
Reduce eye puff with January Labs Advanced Eye Cream, to look refreshed and awake. CLICK TO BUY
Protect my skin from the elements with January Labs Restorative tonic mist CLICK TO BUY
6:15AM: Lie on the couch, turn on my mediation playlist, set my phone timer for 15-20 minutes and meditate.
6:35AM: Drink 1 L of water, I use a 1 L water bottle to track my 3L a day.
Make my Mushroom Coffee, I drink Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee with Lion’s Mane and Chaga evey morning. This instant superfood coffee has the same amount of caffeine as decaf with skin boosting antioxidants. I made the switch to Mushroom Coffee because my ance and anxierty are directly correlated to the amount of caffeine I consume CLICK TO BUY
7:00AM: Start my day calm cool and collected!
I hope these AM tips help you feel good, clear your skin, and give you the mental clarity to take on the day!
For more acne clearing content, check out the ACNE SKINCARE GUIDE